Still Shots
Ready. Aim. Fire!
Cracker county denizens fight off a potential zombie invasion. From left to right: Biker Bob (Dan Bedell), Drunk Cletus (Gary Norris), Cousin Clovis (Brendan Rogers), Redneck Monty (Minas Fakrajian), and Bubba (Fred Lass).
Devil Made Me Do It
The Devil (Mitch Hyman) entices pre-werewolf Bubba (Chris Stephens) with powers beyond his feeble imagination.
Gone Fishin'
Bubba (Fred Lass) prefers to take joy in the little things rather than carry on his quest to save Cracker County.
"Your Coming Was Appropriately Foreshadowed!"
Bubba (Fred Lass) gets some advice about his destiny from a gypsy fortuneteller (Gail Fleming).
Three's A Crowd
Dangerous Dwight (David Santiago) and Bobbie Jo (Malone Thomas) tell off pre-werewolf Bubba (Chris Stephens).
Drinking With The Devil
The Devil (Mitch Hyman) and Bubba (Fred Lass) face off in an epic duel, hosted by bartender Jamie Sue (Sara Humbert).
Love At First Bite
Bobbie Jo (Malone Thomas) is completely smitten with 'the new' Bubba (Fred Lass).
Pleasure To Meat You
The Devil (Mitch Hyman) visits local Cracker County denizens like this Butcher (Will Phillips) to offer them deals.
"He Sure The Hell Has."
Drunk Cletus (Gary Norris) agrees that the Devil has gone too far in his efforts to take over Cracker County.
Firey Passion
The Devil (Mitch Hyman) corrupts a not-so-innocent Cracker County nun (Meg Murrderher).
Future Imperfect
The Gypsy Fortuneteller (Gail Fleming) and her daughter (Teresa Carter) offer some sage advice to our heroes.
"Nobody Cares About Your Balls!"
Bartender Jamie Sue (Sara Humbert) gets fed up with the stories of perpetual patron Drunk Cletus (Gary Norris).
"Oh Boy, Oh Boy, Oh Boy."
The Butcher (Will Phillips) is excited to have a third hand for... reasons.
Behind The Scenes
Blind On Set
Gail Fleming (The Gypsy Fortuneteller) couldn't see what was happening thanks to thick contact lenses that gave her eyes a blind "fogged over" look. Also pictured: actress Teresa Carter (left) and line producer Caitlyn Foster (right).
The Art of Ick
Makeup artist Jennifer Okerlund prepares a special effect for one of the Devil's Cracker County victims.
A Hairy Touch-Up
Lead Makeup Designer and Associate Producer Michael Davy helps Fred Lass with his wolf appliance.
Seeing Red
Bubba Comic-Creator and Executive Producer Mitch Hyman performs as the Devil in one of the film's final scenes.
Squib Prep
Special Effects artists Chris Secosky and J.D. Ellis prepare actress Mercedes Lass for a burst of blood.
Malone Thomas (Bobbie Jo), David Santiago (Dangerous Dwight), and Chirs Stephens (Human Bubba) go over the script.
At The Helm
Bubba Comic-Creator and Executive Producer Mitch Hyman (in the driver's seat) chills on set with the cast.
Satan's Little Helper
Makeup Artist Jennifer Okerlund prepares actress Ellen Smittle (One of The Devil's Show Girls) for a scene.